We'd love to keep in touch!

Seriously, we'd love to hear from you... please allow several weeks for mail delivery.

mandi.bottoms [at] gmail [dot] com
tommy.bottoms [at] gmail [dot] com

Africa Address:
P.O. Box 2815
Mbabane H100 Swaziland, AFRICA

U.S. Address:
P.O. Box 994044
Redding, CA 96099-4044


  1. We are SO excited for you two! Looking forward to many more updates! Jess & Tim

  2. Dear Mandi and Tommy,
    Glad to hear you made it safely and we will be praying for you. I will be teaching a jr. high afterschool ag class and elementary summer camps called G.R.O.W. camp where we work and educate in the Harper Jr. High School garden. I would love to have my camper kids mail letters to you and let them know what they are doing in the garden. We would love to hear from your students too about how agriculture is different .........or maybe the same. Are you interested in student pen pals?
    Carrie (Nick's Mom)

  3. Dear Mandi and Tommy,

    Greetings! This is a quick "hello" as I finally remembered to check your blog to catch a glimpse of your work. You are wonderful bloggers, expressively detailing your days and accomplishments; I learned a lot. Am sending you kind thoughts for continuing success with your teaching and farming.

    You'll be pleased to hear that Christopher went on another UCC spring break trip--this time to a Navajo reservation in New Mexico. Aside from a visit to the ER in Flagstaff for stitches at 1 a.m.(someone wasn't paying attention and hit him in the head with a cot...), he had a great time.

