Monday, October 13, 2014

Taking the Plunge

Not every day on the mission field is a joyous one. In fact, over the last two years we have faced our share of sorrows. Today, however, was a wonderful reminder that God is moving.

During our weekly chapel time in the children’s homes, we have been learning about things Christians believe. A few weeks ago, our colleague Mary Jean spoke about baptism. She shared with the children the importance of making your commitment to Christ known in a public way, just as Jesus did. Some of the children responded by sharing their desire to be baptized and publicly declare their decision to follow Jesus.

Today we celebrated the baptism of ten children. Ranging in ages from 10 to 17, the children stood before our community and proclaimed their intent to follow Christ. Many of them shared their desire to tell others about His life-transforming power. It was certainly a joyous celebration. 

So, with thankful hearts we were able to watch these children declare their relationship with Christ. It was a wonderful reminder that God is at work in Swaziland. He is being made known, and many of the children at New Life Homes have embraced Him with their whole hearts. 

We celebrated afterwards by eating ice cream, enjoying each other, and encouraging those who were baptized. Please join us in praising His wonderful work. Also, continue to pray for those who took this important step today. We ask God to guide them as they grow into mature believers who transform their communities for Christ.